
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: Planet Of The Daleks

Planet Of The Daleks: Episode One (07/04/13) So, having sent his message, the Doctor promptly went into a freezing coma (on his fancy new pull-out Ikea bed) and told Jo to record anything important in the TARDIS Log (which seems to have been cobbled together using circuits and an empty cassette box) from the cupboard above the bed (in his fancy new Ikea unit). The TARDIS has arrived on a Jungle Planet - Spiridon - and Jo's gone out to explore, hoping to find the Doctor a doctor. Instead, she got jizzed on by an Evil Fungus Plant and found the crashed spaceship of a band of Thals. Having persuaded them to go and help the Doctor, she hid in their ship, successfully concealing herself from one of the inquisitive, invisible natives, before discovering she had a fungal infection and passing out. The Thals rescued the Doctor from the TARDIS (now covered in fungus jizz), whom he recognised. They, however, found it hard to believe he's the Doctor who helped them against the Dalek

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: Frontier In Space

Frontier In Space: Episode One (24/02/13) Ooh! Space Opera! This one looks quite stylish already, and the Ogrons are back (properly, this time, not just a cameo) so could this be a Dalek story? (The Doctor doesn't think so - the Ogrons are mercenaries and will work for anyone). So, the TARDIS materialised in yet another cargo hold, this time on a spaceship transporting bulk flour. Almost immediately, the ship was attacked by Ogrons who are using some form of transmitter to make their victims see Draconians. Now, Draconians are the other great power in the Universe at this point in History who are at peace with Earth following a nasty, intergalactic war (very B5) and the Ogrons seem to be trying to provoke another war as they appear to be attacking Draconian ships disguised as Humans, too. The Doctor reckons they're being employed by someone quite advanced as the technology they're using is too advanced for them alone (I'm hoping Cybermen, personally). Jo hallucina

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: Carnival Of Monsters

Carnival Of Monsters: Episode One (27/01/13) Well, that was a decidedly odd episode that became more and more interesting as it went on. At first it seemed there were two unconnected storylines going on; one on an alien planet populated by grey men with male pattern baldness and a worker species with the most ridiculously unconvincing alien masks I've seen on the series, dealing with a Humanoid couple who are basically Carnies; a second where the Doctor and Jo arrive on a ship in the Indian Ocean taking a Major Daly and his daughter Claire (along with some chickens) to Bombay when the ship is attacked by a Plesiosaur! The Doctor and Jo were caught, accused of being stowaways and locked in Major Daly's cabin. And that's where it became interesting. The Doctor's convinced they can't be on Earth, having set the TARDIS for Metebilis III, but everything we see indicates it's Earth on the 4th of June 1926. However, there's a big silver hexagon in the floor out

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: The Three Doctors

The Three Doctors: Episode One (30/12/12) Oooh! As stated in the title, this story features all three Doctors! Albeit with Pat and Bill turning up at the end of the episode. Nevertheless, a good start. I had misgivings to begin with as this is written by the same pair who wrote '...Axos' and 'The Mutants', and whilst I fully understand we're in the week between Christmas and New Year, certain aspects did have a whiff of Panto about them. Plotwise, some photographic equipment belonging to a Dr. Tyler (sent up with a weather balloon to photograph 'cosmic rays') has come down in a bird sanctuary and the Gamekeeper - clearly a Baker/Martin comedy character along the lines of Pigbin Josh - went near it and ended up as a smear on one of the photographic plates! Collecting the equipment, Dr. Tyler took it to UNIT as the 'cosmic rays' have been looking funny. Whilst developing the plate that was Gamekeeper Mr. Ollis, Dr. Tyler ended up going the same w

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: The Time Monster

The Time Monster: Episode One (20/05/12) SO much better this week! The episode started off with some fantastic film footage as the Doctor dreamt of being on a chaise longue near an altar with a crystal and the Master towering over him, followed by the usual video footage as Jo brought him round with a cup of tea and berated him for not listening to a word she said. Great contrast! The Doctor's taken his dream very seriously, and a good job too as the Master is up by Cambridge with two scientists (a brother and sister team) using said crystal in an experiment humorously named TOMTIT - Transference Of Matter Through Interstitial Time! He's pretending to be Greek - a Professor Thascales (no doubt Greek for Master!) - and didn't bank on the Brigadier and Benton turning up as observers from UNIT (apparently they do a lot of that nowadays - unsurprising given the events of 'The Mind Of Evil') but luckily he had a radiation suit ready, so the Brigadier and Benton didn&