
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: Shada

Shada: Part One (19/01/20) Somewhere out there in an alternate universe, Season 17 ended with six part 'epic' 'Shada'. And that is (sort of) where I find myself today. It's been an interesting but very slow episode where very little happened. The Doctor and Romana are in Cambridge having parked the TARDIS in the corner of Cambridge lecturer/retired Time Lord Professor Chronotis' study (and seemingly left K9 inside). While they were gallivanting about on the Cam, young Parsons (a student) called round and borrowed some of Chronotis' books. One, however, was a very dangerous book from Gallifrey which Chronotis had 'borrowed' and subsequently contacted the Doctor in the hope that he'd return it for him. Meanwhile, some bloke called Skagra has travelled to Earth with one of his huge balls in a carpet bag, looking for Chronotis and hijacking a car to return to his invisible spaceship. Played by the handsome Christopher Neame, Skagra is quite an

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: The Horns Of Nimon

The Horns Of Nimon: Part One (22/12/19) It's my birthday and I may have had one too many glasses of Bailey's to appreciate tonight's Doctor Who fully, but Michael got me the special edition of Belinda Carlisle's 'Real' and we watched the videos from that first, so I'm blaming their high production values for how shoddy some of this episode looked. It all started on an ancient Skonnon battleship that the LX department had lit like the Blue Peter studio. They were transporting the last of their Anethan sacrifices home in order to have their decidedly decrepit empire renewed by the Nimon, a tall, lanky bull-type creature who the Skonnon leader, Soldeed (a raving loony with a pasty face), kow-tows to like a whimpering bitch.  The tubby co-pilot pushed to force the engines past their capabilities and fucked the ship, killing the pilot. Luckily, the Doctor was doing some work on the TARDIS and disabled a tonne of systems so it got pulled to the Skonnon ship wh