
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: Meglos

Meglos: Part One (27/09/10) Well, that was quite interesting. The Doctor and Romana spent the episode fixing K9. Literally. The entire episode. The TARDIS is hovering in space and they haven't arrived where they're meant to be going yet, but that's fine. The Doctor found out they were near Tigella, a planet he's been to before (50 years ago, their time) so wants to pay a visit, once K9 is fixed. Tigella is an underground society (forced to live there due to the planet's 'lush, aggressive vegetation' on the surface) and populated by two bickering groups - the Savants (Scientists with blonde, bowl-cut wigs) and the religious Deons, led by Barbara Wright. Yep. Barbara Wright... or at least Lexa, a character played by Jacqueline Hill. I have to say, as lovely as it is to see her again it's massively disappointing that it isn't actually  Barbara. I wonder if the Doctor will notice (if he arrives) - this is  a doppelganger story, after all. Because on neig

Looking Back: A brief overview of the first half of the Tom Baker years.

Having recently started to watch Tom Baker's final season of Doctor Who , I've been looking back at some of the essays I did for a fan page a few years ago and stumbled across this overview from December 2017. I'd just reached the halfway point of the era and this briefly sums up my thoughts on the serials between Robot and The Sun Makers . I'll be doing an overview of Tom's entire tenure next Spring, but in the meantime here are my thoughts from almost three years (!) ago: It's been a long journey with quite a few surprises (falling in love with the Pertwee era after over a decade thinking it was a bit rubbish being one example!) and some stories have fared better than others ( The Space Museum seen one episode a week is actually quite brilliant; The Mind Robber less so) and two weeks ago I reached the halfway mark of the Tom Baker era. So I thought I'd look back over the first half of his run and share what I thought. It didn't get off to a great