
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: Warriors' Gate

Warriors' Gate: Part One (03/01/21) Back after New Year and the Doctor, Romana, K9 and Adric are still stuck in E-Space. It was quite nice after the short break to have the Doctor and Romana briefly recap the story so far - Romana called back to Gallifrey, and Adric from E-Space and now travelling with them. First, though, we got a terribly atmospheric opening sequence on board a freighter transporting Leonid aliens which seem to be used by the Human crew as navigators. Their ship seems to have been trapped in a void for months, unable to escape. Their Captain, Rorvik, seems a bit of a hard case, choosing to risk killing the navigator, Biroc, in order to push through to N-Space. They failed and Biroc survived and escaped when he was taken to recover by two of the crew.  Leaving the freighter, he entered the TARDIS (because he was out of phase with the time line) and took it into the void. The freighter crew picked it up on their scanner and went to investigate. There's been a l

Who In Review: New Year's Day 2019 - New Year's Day 2021

Over the last few days I have watched every episode of Doctor Who from the last two years (except 'Orphan 55' which was utter shite). The modern series has always had its supporters and detractors, but I think that the series of stories which I just watched are some of the strongest episodes for several years (if you don't agree with me, you should probably stop reading now). It all got off to a relatively underwhelming start on NYD 2019 with 'Resolution', the story which sort-of acted as the finale to Series 11 and also brought back the Daleks. I've never been a fan of the Daleks, but this dealt with them rather well, following the resurrection of a lone scout and featuring a fancy new design which purposefully eschewed a Tonka Toy look for Junkyard chic. Unlike Moffat, Chibnall seemed to understand that in most cases less is more. Unfortunately, this doesn't really work when sending the army after the scout in a lone tank which felt more like an homage to