
Showing posts from February, 2021

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: The Keeper Of Traken

  The Keeper Of Traken: Part One (31/01/21) Previously, on Traken:  The Empire of Traken is a world held together by people being 'terribly nice to one another'. It has an atmosphere which calcifies anything evil which approaches the planet and ends up in its Groves. The Groves are tended by Fosters, sort-of-lawkeepers, and the evil - known as Melkur - are tended to by the local children. The most recent one has been tended to by a 'sensitive' called Kassia who, years later, has become one of the ruling class of Consuls and has married one of her fellow Consuls, Tremas, a widower with a teenage (?) daughter. The question mark is because Trakens appear to be quite long-lived - as is shown by their leader, the Keeper, around which this episode revolves. He's ancient and massively powerful - he just appeared in the TARDIS to request the Doctor's help after drawing him to Traken without his knowledge. He knows his time is up and has chosen Tremas as his successor (a