
Showing posts from September, 2021

Me And The Hinchcliffe Era

It's a sort of accepted fact in fandom that the Hinchcliffe/Holmes era of Doctor Who (encompassing the first three seasons of Tom Baker's time on the show) is one of the high points of the programme's entire run. It came following the massively popular Pertwee era when the show once more became a teatime adventure series the whole family could enjoy, and cast an eccentric actor in the role, taking him away from the cosy world of Letts and Dicks' mostly-Earth-based stories and the UNIT family into more strange, alien places riffing on the tropes of popular films from the 40s, 50s and 60s; Forbidden Planet, Frankenstein, Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers, The Mummy, and Doctor Jeckyl and Mister Hyde are some of the films which are clear influences on the Hinchcliffe era, each an adaptation of a literary work most of which are also very well known. I can't deny that the production quality of these stories is superb. Hinchcliffe opted for a darker look than his predecessor