
Showing posts from February, 2022

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: The Visitation

  THE VISITATION   (Part One)  15/02/2022  It's been about four and a half years since we had a story set entirely in the past and, lo and behold, the new series has only gone and taken us back to the 1600s! It all started off with a family in a rather nice manor house in the rural village of Heathrow finding themselves attacked one evening by aliens and a rather nicely designed robot (well, I say  robot but the Squire claimed it was one of the aliens in armour so he may have been right!). Sadly, it appears the Squire and his son and daughter may be as dead as their servant, Ralph, although we may well meet them tomorrow. It would seem to be a waste of some nice characters if they were. Continuing the links to the Hartnell era, we then got some scenes in the TARDIS with the Doctor admonishing Adric for being a dick in Kinda  by trying to escape in the TSS. Then Tegan told Nyssa (in brief) what had happened to her on Deva Loka as she got ready to leave the TARDIS and start her job a

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: Kinda

KINDA  (Part One)  01/02/2022 Pronounced like German for 'children' and not like the Nine Inch Nails song 'Kinda I Want To'. I must say, I'm really enjoying how off-the-wall this series is so far. It's such a huge contrast to the Tom Baker era (which I think is really rather the point). Season 18 showed some diversion from the usual fair, but so far we've had the fake peaceful society of Castrovalva and a story which felt more like a Hartnell adventure. Now we've got a story which seems to have more in common with Warriors' Gate  or The Mind Robber  than anything else in the last 19 years. Firstly, it's not about Nyssa. She's in the TARDIS with a contraption the Doctor made incorporating the Sonic Screwdriver to help sort her head out - apparently, she's fainted again since last week so is currently sitting this story out. They've landed on S14 - aka Deva Loka - planet of the Kinda, a seemingly-but-not-really primitive Humanoid people