
Showing posts from April, 2022

The Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion Of The Bane

To fill the gap between seasons of Doctor Who on my Marathon, I've decided to watch The Sarah Jane Adventures and blog about that. Anyone who reads my DWRTM blogs will be aware that I'm not Sarah Jane Smith's biggest fan. I find her pushy and rude, often quite obnoxious and in the habit of complaining a lot and getting herself into situations which she needs help to get out of - not the independent and assertive character she began as in her first two stories. Joining the show in the wake of the magnificent Jo Grant (who clearly developed as a character throughout her three seasons) Sarah wasn't too bad in Season 11 yet not remotely as likeable as her predecessor, and her negative traits were less annoying when she had Harry to bounce off in Season 12, but once Harry was gone she had very clearly devolved into a damsel-in-distress archetype without the winning personality of her predecessors. Never more so was this obvious than in the failed pilot K9 And Company  See he

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: Time-Flight

TIME-FLIGHT  (Part One)  22/03/2022  Well, I'm not sure what to make of that. Overall, it was actually pretty good. There's a concrete, central mystery - a Concorde flight has travelled back in time and nobody knows why or how - it's set at Heathrow Airport, where Tegan's been wanting to get to since last series, and it actually features Concorde, which is pretty bloody impressive! They're a beautifully designed machine - my Auntie Barbara travelled on one once - and to be actually filming on one is quite a scoop! Plus there was a mention of UNIT and the sector of Government who's in charge of them: C19 (is this a sneaky reference to this being Season 19?) as well as the Brigadier! Maybe they'll turn up later! On the downside, there was some hideously bad CSO when Concorde landed in the past in a scene which, frankly, could have been filmed on location and been no different other than it wouldn't have looked shit. Then there's the 'Conjuror'