
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: Terminus

TERMINUS  (Part One)  15/02/2023  So, this story is written by Steve Gallagher who gave us the impeccable Warriors' Gate  from Tom's last season. So far, this doesn't look quite  as beautiful but has nonetheless looked better and displayed more interesting ideas than most of this season thus far. Turlough is still being ordered about by the Black Guardian and has this time been persuaded to sabotage the TARDIS console by fucking with the Space/Time element that was removed and replaced in Arc Of Infinity . This resulted in the TARDIS interior starting to break up (or something) which led to it latching onto a spaceship (due to a failsafe) so that Nyssa could escape being killed by the break up when it (temporarily) spread to her room. Much of the episode was spent with the Doctor and Nyssa, and Tegan and Turlough separately investigating the seemingly abandoned ship. Much like the last story, however, it isn't abandoned. It is, in fact, a ship transporting Lepers to a p

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: Mawdryn Undead

MAWDRYN UNDEAD  (Part One)  01/02/2023  That was an episode which started off incredibly badly but improved as it went along. This story is set at an all-boys Public School and started off with one of the students, Turlough (a ginger kid who just about looks 18 if you squint), and his put-upon mate, Hippo (who is similarly age-affected and clearly meant to be fatter than the actor is... an actor who seems to think that speaking in a higher register will make him sound younger) stole an expensive old car belonging to one of the teachers, encountered a white van in a narrow country lane, and crashed into a field. Firstly, this driving sequence was accompanied by the most god-awful music I've ever heard on the show. I don't have words to describe how unbelievably terrible the score was at this point, but I hope we never hear anything like it again! We then cut to a shot of Turlough watching himself from above, unconscious by the car, against a backdrop comprising possibly the wors