
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: A Davison Era Overview

Following in the footsteps of the show's longest running incumbent was always going to be a tough call. That that incumbent was the mountainous personality that is Tom Baker would suggest that such an endeavour would be destined to failure. However, in 1982 the series got a new lease of life thanks, in part, to the arrival of Peter Davison as the show's fifth Doctor, a shuffling in the TV schedules, and an approach that built upon the shiny new image John Nathan-Turner's production team had brought to the preceding season and an experimentalism which mirrored the arrival of Patrick Troughton over a decade and a half earlier.  It probably helped that over the previous few years the series had had more than its fair share of ups and downs. By 1978, it had started to feel quite tired with a lead actor who was more often being himself rather than playing a role and a turn away from the more adult themes of the Hinchcliffe era to a more family-friendly string of adventures which