
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Doctor Who Real Time Marathon: The Twin Dilemma

THE TWIN DILEMMA  (Part One)  22/03/2024 First thing of note is that the opening titles are much more colourful with lots of rainbow light spots bursting from around Colin Baker's head and a somewhat degraded Neon Logo which looks like it's a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy. Still, it's a better image of the Doctor than of either Tom or Peter since they brought in the 'starfield' credits background. I wish I could be as positive about the episode itself. I seem to be doing a lot of sighing whilst I figure out what to write, which is never a good sign. How the hell am I going to tackle this episode? Colin. Well, he's not bad. Some of the time. They've gone for a start much like what Tom had (and if you don't recall my feelings about Robot , you can read my blog  here ). However, where Tom was given the opportunity to win us over with his personality (given it was so big), Colin seems to have had his own only visible between outbursts of ham acting